What is Upledger Craniosacral Therapy?

Cranio sacral Manipulation Brisbane

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When we are asked to listen to our body, it doesn’t have to be us waiting for pain or discomfort to strike. Sometimes, we can be a bit more assertive. On that note, there’s a whole lot of buzz around Upledger Craniosacral Therapy, but exactly is it and who is it for? For more information, you can contact us at Craniosacral Therapy Brisbane.

Craniosacral therapy (CST) takes this attitude in a surprisingly literal sense, where practitioners use light touch to evaluate and address restrictions in the craniosacral system. This usually refers to our head and spine. But CST itself is more than just about the wellness of certain body parts. It’s a holistic approach that includes emotional and physical wellbeing.

When they hear something along the lines of touch therapy or bodywork, most people think of chiropractic or massage, but CST operates on a different set of principles. The therapy is based on the idea that subtle movements in the cranial bones and the associated membranes can affect the flow of cerebrospinal fluid and, in turn, impact the overall health and functioning of the central nervous system.

Unlike the other two, CST is about putting less pressure on the right spots and still doing more.

Cranio sacral Manipulation Brisbane

The human body is akin to a complex symphony, with each cell and system working in unison—until some sort of stress or trauma disrupts the balance. Every cell and system plays its part in harmony—until stress or injury throws it off beat. That’s where Dr. John E. Upledger steps onto the stage with his pioneering work in Upledger Craniosacral Therapy (CST). Picture this: back in 1975, nestled within Michigan State University’s halls, studies were buzzing that would later form CST’s core.

CST emerged as a transformative therapy aimed at enhancing our craniosacral system—the maestro conducting our central nervous system function. It’s not every day you hear about scientific discoveries leading to hands-on healing methods that don’t just treat symptoms but also groove with your body’s rhythm.

A decade of research from 1975 to 1983 laid down the beats for what we now know as CST—a method gentle enough for babies yet sufficiently profound to improve conditions ranging from chronic pain to emotional difficulties.


What are the Benefits of Upledger Craniosacral Therapy?

While individual experiences may vary, Upledger CranioSacral Therapy (CST) has been known to generally provide relief to chronic pain an agent for reduced stress. But that’s not all! Here are other common benefits brought by Upledger Craniosacral Therapy.

Improved Immune Function

Some CST proponents believe that the therapy enhances the natural ability of the body to heal and likewise support the immune system. Also, by reducing stress and promoting relaxation, CST is believed to contribute to a healthier immune response.

Improved Sleep

Sleep disorder is a condition that can hamper anyone regardless of age. Thankfully, CST can be safely practiced even in infants who are struggling with their sleep. Overall, reports have been plenty about CST’s relaxation-inducing effects that promotes better sleep cycles. Most people point to the therapy’s ability to release tension and stress in the body as to why restful night’s are back in the menu for them.

Stress Reduction

It’s safe to say that one of CST’s immediate and simultaneously long-term benefit is stress reduction. More precisely, by releasing restrictions in the craniosacral system, CST leads to a calming effect on the nervous system, contributing to an overall sense of well-being.

Release of Trauma

CST has been a trusted complementary treatment for individuals who are recovering from physical or emotional trauma. The gentle nature of the technique may help release stored tension and trauma in the body, and is often recommended for those coming off surgery or dealing with PTSD, to name a few.

Pain Relief

CST is also credited for its exceptional ability in alleviatin various type of musculoskeletal pain, including those pesky migraines. After all, the gentle machinations in a CST session are aimed to release tension and improve the functioning of the central nervous system, which helps create a natural pain-releaving sensation.

Does Craniosacral Therapy Release Trauma?

Yes.Trauma is a complex and multi-faceted phenomenon, often involving psychological, emotional, and physiological components, so scientific evidence is often limited. However, individuals have often found relief through CST when dealing or in the aftermath of emotional or physical trauma.

Difference Between Upledger Craniosacral Therapy and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

When it comes to non-invasive treatments that have been gaining popularity, there’s no denying that Upledger Craniosacral Therapy (UCT) and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) are on top of the list. However, it’s vital to know that although they share the same foundation principles, their approaches differ significantly.

Upledger Craniosacral Therapy Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
Founder Dr. John Upledger, 1970s Franklyn Sills. 1970s
Fundamental Concept The practitioner uses light touch to test for restrictions in the cranial system. The practitioner senses subtle rhythms within the body and facilitates self-healing processes.
Treatment Approach This approach focuses on problem-solving by identifying blockages or imbalances in cerebrospinal fluid flow. BCT takes a holistic view of health improvement by emphasizing overall wellness rather than focusing on specific issues.
Techniques Used Practitioners use techniques like soft tissue release, fascial unwinding, etc. These methods aim at releasing tensions deep within the body. The therapists work with an inherent treatment plan of the client’s system using resources present within the body.
Length of Session A typical session lasts between 45 minutes to an hour. Sessions are generally longer, often lasting up to 75 minutes or more.
Patient Involvement Patients may be asked to participate actively in their treatment through dialogue and feedback. BCT sessions tend to be quieter with less active participation from the patient. The therapist mainly works with what arises during the session.

Franklyn Sills developed many of the approaches and terminology commonly used in a biodynamic approach to craniosacral therapy. An outline of his work can be found on his website.

On the other hand, Upledger’s CST has its portal called Upledger Institute International (UII) for general information and training. On top of research notes, study guides, case studies and articles, UII offers a certification program for new therapists.

What Type of Conditions Can Upledger Craniosacral Therapy Help With?

Upledger Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on approach that can be beneficial for both babies and adults. It focuses on enhancing the body’s natural healing processes by releasing tensions deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction.

Benefits for Babies

Babies, especially newborns, often experience physical stress during birth which may lead to various conditions. CST has been found effective in addressing these issues:

  • Colic: This condition causes excessive crying in otherwise healthy babies. Studies have shown that CST can help soothe colicky infants.
  • Sleep Disorders: Some parents report improvements in their baby’s sleep patterns after craniosacral therapy sessions.
  • Torticollis or Plagiocephaly: CST has been used as an adjunctive treatment alongside physiotherapy for these conditions characterized by head tilt or flat spots on the baby’s head respectively.

Aiding Adults’ Well-being

In adults, Upledger Craniosacral Therapy aids with a range of health concerns including but not limited to:

  • Migraines and Headaches: The gentle manipulations involved in CST are known to reduce tension and alleviate symptoms associated with migraines and chronic headaches. Research suggests this therapy could offer significant relief from such conditions.
  • Fibromyalgia & Other Chronic Pain Disorders: Studies indicate that CST can help reduce pain and improve quality of life for individuals suffering from fibromyalgia and other chronic pain disorders.
  • Stress & Anxiety: CST is also often used as a holistic approach to managing stress, anxiety, and related conditions. It promotes relaxation and helps restore balance within the body’s systems.

In essence, Upledger Craniosacral Therapy offers a non-invasive solution to many health concerns in both babies and adults. However, it’s always advisable to consult with healthcare professionals before starting any new treatment regimen.
Contact Us at Craniosacral Therapy Brisbane to Book Your Session

Upledger Craniosacral Therapy may look simple on the surface but the principles and methodologies behind it are well-studied and complex. Therefore, whether you are looking into the therapy for the first time or following through, it’s important to consult and work with established and licensed craniosacral therapists.

In Brisbane, you can count on us to deliver quality craniosacral therapy bodywork that accounts for your holistic health and well-being. So don’t hesitate to contact us so we can provide a more comprehensive, evidence-based assessment relevant to your needs and condition. Lastly, just remember that CST is not meant to replace conventional medical care. Instead, it aims to support and enhance medical and individual efforts by stimulating the body’s natural healing capabilities and recovery potential.

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